Joseph Chin
- My topic Upload File Problem
- Hi, can I know what is the problem here? I try to upload a csv file but it got error
- 2024-10-04 03:23
Joseph Chin
- My topic Google Search Problems
- Hi, I want to do a google search bot with the following requirements:- 1) User are required to input keywords and URL (1 keywords with 1 URL) 2) Bot will search the keywords and click on the website based on the URL. I know how to scrape the page and I put a wait loop. In the wait loop, I insert a if.., where the scrape url = Input URL, it will click on the website. Problem is how to go to each search result one by one and compare it. I referred to the videos and example templates but to no avail as they are not quite same with me. I hope somebody can teach me the part of loop and if.. Thank you and have a nice day :)
- 2016-03-25 12:26
Joseph Chin
- My topic Check Bot
- Hi, can anyone help me to check my bot whether it is correct or not. I would like to do an auto-post bot which do the following:- 1) Login into FB and go into a Page 2) Upload Pictures in the Page and set Schedule when to post the pictures 3) Can loop for pictures (in order) 4) Can set other Page or other Fb account. Please tell me if anything is wrong with my bot. I'm trying to learn here. Thank you for all the help. /editor/attached/file/20160307/20160307042355_0230.dat
- 2016-03-07 04:24
Joseph Chin
- My topic Some Question
- Hi, I would like to ask a few questions 1) How can I login into a Facebook page and post many pictures and set the schedule when to post each pictures? 2) Can the exe file of the whitehatbox be changed?
- 2016-03-06 09:24
Joseph Chin
- My topic Some Questions
- Good day. I would like to ask whether we can upload pictures on Facebook post automatically. Can I know how to select files from computer automatically. Your help would be appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.
- 2016-03-06 09:20
Joseph Chin
- My topic Global Run Problem
- Good morning. I would like to ask when some laptop run my exe file and set to run for several times in the Global Run, the program only run once only and not according to the number set by them. Hope to get a solution. Thank you.
- 2016-02-28 11:16
Joseph Chin
- My topic Complie Problem
- Good afternoon. I want to ask why do I get error "my complie has stopped working" when i launched the exe file and want to execute the function?
- 2016-02-25 01:28
Joseph Chin
- My topic Captcha
- Hi, I try to add a captcha function and do all the necessary steps but it failed and return Verification Code Input Error. Please help me ASAP. Thank you.
- 2016-02-24 03:55
Joseph Chin
- My topic Email
- Can I know how to generate email from first name and last name and add number?
- 2016-02-22 10:00
Joseph Chin
- My topic Auto generate proper first ...
- Hi, can I know how to autogenerate proper first name and last name. Hope to get reply as soon as possible.
- 2016-02-21 11:25