Yes, it can search email from YoutTube.
Please feel free to contact us if you need more help in the future.
It does not need to deal with the captcha. Did you test it please?
Or did you need to customize a new software ? We can help you develop a new one which can work like you requested.
Waiting for your news.
can you tell me if is it possible to ask te tool when you are in one web site after taker max 5 emails adresses stop to crawl the website after go to the second link
because i have many website but they have 10 000 pages so it take to much time
can you tell me if is it possible to ask te tool when you are in one web site after taker max 5 emails adresses stop to crawl the website after go to the second link
because i have many website but they have 10 000 pages so it take to much time
Hey, we can help you develop this bot alone if you need.
Can you add our Skype whitehatbox for further discussion?