Hello BC im using here and there your tool and to be honest several Times its just annyoing as hell that the bot cant find the tasks of Websites like Buttons etc. Allways i get on a Point where i cant continue my Script cause BC cant find the Buttons etc of websites.
IM working on a Script where my Program should complete a Surcey but BC cant find the Buttons of the Survey or even if i do it manual he cant find fields etc at the Survey.
here a screen what im talking about.
Normaly he should click the first tab called "einfach Ihre Daten ein" but he cant find this Tab like all the other.
If i do it manual and leading to the Survey. again he cant find any of the fields.
Would be nice if someone could explain if im doing something wrong or what the problem is.
here also my project its rlly at his early steps and allready problems.
dont be confused cause of the proxy and run program im not sure what i will use later.
Thx for any help