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Multiple files in txt

ReplyThanks 2020/11/04 19:02:33 0 0
I have about 20 articles written in txt, could I somehow import them into the windows application and spine them in bulk, keeping the files independent?
2020/11/10 11:34:14

You can keep the spin TXTs independent, and at the same time the 20 articles will be within one txt:

2020/11/10 11:55:48

You can click here to import the file

2021/02/28 05:36:27
1 # k360.cloud 2020/11/4 19:02:33

I have about 20 articles written in txt, could I somehow import them into the windows application and spine them in bulk, keeping the files independent?

3 # Jolin 2020/11/10 11:55:48

You can click here to import the file

I have 10,000 different txt in a folder. How do I do it? 
2021/03/01 15:55:04

If you wanna spin many txts at the same time, you can use one of the following ways:

or this way:

2021/03/01 23:02:53

@Jolin Thanks for the reply. But....

The 2 options are "complex" for something simple.
Most users want: Import a folder (thousands of txt) and spin what's inside (thousands of txt * X).
Using or not a dictionary (optional).
1 input folder and 1 output folder.
It's possible?

2021/03/12 18:01:33

Please choose this :

Then it can do with 1 input folder and 1 output folder.

2021/04/30 08:40:01

7 # Jolin 2021/3/12 18:01:33

Please choose this :

Then it can do with 1 input folder and 1 output folder.

It is not what we need.
I will have to program a friendly solution like the one I proposed.

Thank you anyway.

2021/05/28 15:58:31
8 # DoctorPC 2021/4/30 8:40:01

7 # Jolin 2021/3/12 18:01:33

Please choose this :